My Prenatal Fitness Secrets

Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or thinking about having kids in the future, you may have thought about how your fitness training might have to change. I’ve been fortunate enough to stay active throughout my pregnancy which has helped me to feel a little more like myself. But there have definitely been some changes in the way I approach my workouts. Today I’m sharing with you my prenatal fitness secrets for a happier healthier pregnancy.

Know that you are probably going to regress. It had never occurred to me before I was pregnant that as your belly size increases, your physical abilities decrease (i.e. I can barely touch my toes anymore). This can be incredibly frustrating, but if you know it’s going to happen you can mentally prepare for it and learn to accept each new challenge.

Be gentle and kind to yourself. Pregnancy is a great time to practice self-love, especially since, as I mentioned before, you can't do everything you could before pregnancy. As the number on the scale goes up, remember that it is all for the miracle growing inside your body. You are growing a human being from scratch for Pete's sake! You are an incredible goddess of life! You deserve all the love you can give to yourself (And that extra slice of cake).

Keep an open mind. What you need in week 7 of your pregnancy could be totally different from what you need in week 27 or week 37. My fitness routine has changed from month to month as my pregnancy progresses, and I’m sure it will continue to change. Don’t be afraid to branch out and try new things. If your gym offers a prenatal yoga class, try it out! Or if you’d rather stay home, you can find tons of prenatal workouts on YouTube ranging from strength training to yoga.

Choose something that you love. If you loved going to the gym and hitting the weights before you got pregnant, then do it pregnant girl! I am a big believer that the most effective workout is one that you actually enjoy doing. You don’t have to take a Prenatal yoga class just because every other pregnant person does. Do what you love to do! Just be sure to do your research and talk to a doctor about what’s safe to do during pregnancy.

Be consistent.
Whether you want to workout 2 days a week, or 6 days a week during your pregnancy, try to be consistent. Not only is it better for your health to have a consistent plan, it’s also easier to maintain if you know that every Tuesday and Thursday you go to a prenatal yoga class. Are you going to be perfect? NO! Especially when you wake up nauseous and exhausted every morning. But if you keep making the effort (remember to be gentle and kind to yourself), you will find that a consistent exercise routine can help alleviate some of those pregnancy aches and pains.

Modify, modify, modify. There are certain things you shouldn’t do when you are pregnant, like lying on your back after the first trimester, crunches, and extreme twists. There are also things that just don’t feel as good (I’m looking at you forward folds). Be sure to talk to your doctor and listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn’t. You can go back to killing it at the gym later; right now, just focus on being gentle and kind.

It can be so frustrating working out while pregnant sometimes. I know for me it's been hard going from dancing 4 hours a day to not being able to touch my toes because my belly is in the way. And let’s not forget that first trimester when I never wanted to workout because I was always exhausted and nauseous. If you were super active before, pregnancy can feel like a huge setback. Just remember, that this is temporary. Try to laugh at yourself when you feel out of breath tying your shoes and always, always be gentle and kind.


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